See the documentary "The Little Flower in Africa" on EWTN on Sunday, September 30 and Saturday, October 6

 The Little Flower in Africa - a trailer of the EWTN film

 The 50-minute documentary The Little Flower in Africa, which tells the story of St. Therese and of the historic visit of her relics to Africa in 2010, will be broadcast on EWTN on Sunday, September 30 at 1:30 p.m. ET and again on Saturday, October 6 at 5:00 a.m. ET.  More about this beautiful and moving film, produced by Metanoia Media and commissioned by EWTN, which premiered on EWTN in 2011.  The film also gives a brief history of the Catholic Church in Africa, offers reflections on Carmelite spirituality, and features interviews with bishops, Carmelites, and others in Africa about the spirituality of St. Therese.

 To purchase the DVD from EWTN, click on the image below.